More than 550 years ago Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press in my cozy Hometown Mainz/Germany (about 20min from Frankfurt Airport). But to be honest, I didn’t knew much about this awesome guy until I read Clay Shirkys Book: Here comes everybody, where he mentions Gutenbergs story and declares the end to his era. I becam fascinated. One of the most important in mankinds history was made only a few hundred meters from where I studied.
Diving deeper in Gutenbergs history I became aware of many similarities to todays startups.
In 2012 the local Newspaper (Verlagsgruppe Rhein-Main) gave me the opportunity to visit the United States to find the next Gutenberg. (Ok, they wanted to know, how they could adapt their business model.)
But here I go. I met and interviewed some really interesting people, and in the next weeks I will publish these interviews on YouTube and this website.
- Occupy Gutenberg (A printed magazine for OWS)
- Occupy Livestream (Live-Broadcasting from Occupy Wall Street)
- Everyday Rebellion (Documentation)
- Startup Weekend San Francisco
- Chris McCann (Startup Digest)
- Howard Rheingold (Media Literacy)
- Downtown Project Las Vegas (Zach Ware, Kim Schaefer, Tony Hsieh)
- David Weinberger
- Jeff Jarvis (Web-Journalism)
If you want to watch one of them please subscribe to my RSS or Newsletter
PS: I neither got an interview with Gutenberg nor with Marc Zuckerberg. If you can help me the next time, just let me know.